Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Minimising Your Home’s Carbon Footprint and Lowering Energy Costs

Heating our residences is a significant contributor to energy-related emissions, and it can also strain your finances. At ASTECtherm, our focus is on finding strategies to curtail your energy expenses, enabling you to allocate your funds to more enjoyable pursuits. We invite you to peruse our recommendations for adopting a more intelligent approach to home heating, a move that not only slashes your expenses but also aids in diminishing your carbon footprint.



Optimising Your Heating Preferences

Fine-tuning your heating preferences is crucial for economizing on household expenditures. A simple adjustment, like lowering your thermostat by a single degree Celsius, can lead to annual savings of up to an impressive £80. If you’re utilising traditional gas central heating, which remains prevalent among the majority of UK residents, efficiency is paramount. Practicing vigilance by turning off heating when leaving your home and refraining from heating unoccupied rooms will generate additional savings.



Avoiding Heat Loss

Taking a smarter approach to heating becomes ineffective if your home lacks proper insulation. To ensure optimal efficiency, address drafts around windows, doors, and skirting boards. Upgrading your double glazing and bolstering roof insulation (even if your attic is insulated, liken it to adding another layer to your bed) presents substantial potential savings. Installing quality loft insulation can substantially curtail heat escape, potentially saving you up to £135 annually.

Exploring Innovative Heating Solutions

The long-term answer to environmentally conscious and cost-effective home heating lies in exploring novel, innovative methodologies. Consider options like infrared radiant heating, especially as traditional gas central heating will be phased out in new homes by 2025. The energy sector is diligently working to enhance the electricity grid, resulting in a declining carbon factor for electricity and rendering it the greenest heating and power source. Furthermore, advancements in solar and battery storage make energy-efficient electric heating a compelling choice.

Differentiating Heating Methods

Incorporating heat sources like infrared radiant heat presents substantial advantages for trimming energy bills and decreasing your carbon footprint. Contrasting conventional gas systems, learning to employ radiant heat is straightforward. Convection heat circulates warm air, while infrared functions akin to the sun, warming objects and building structures. These heated surfaces subsequently emit warmth into the air, fostering more uniform heat distribution and thwarting moisture and mold growth.

Seize the Opportunity

Embrace a new paradigm for heating your home by reaching out to us. Take the reins of your home’s heating, and as you do so, save money and contribute to a greener future.


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